Underclass Hero

by Sum 41

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.00  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 7:48 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Underclass Hero

Song Author

Deryck Whibley

Tabbed by



1st → Lead (Brown Tom)
2nd → Drums (Stevo32)
3rd → Rhythm (Bizzy D)
4th → Additional Guitar (Bizzy D)
5th → Bass (Cone)
6th → Backing Vox (Cone)
7th → Vox (Bizzy D)

File Size

75 KB




One Two Three Four Well I won't be caught living in a dead end job Or pray ing to a gov ern ment , guns and god Now it's us against them We're here to represent And stare right in the face of the estab lish ment. And now I do be lieve Stand on my own Wa sting the youth Speak for your self [Chorus] Well be cause we're do ing fine And we don't need to be told That we're do ing fine Cause we won't give you con trol And we don't need an y thing fr om you Cause we'll be just fine And we won't be bought and sold Just like you A call a cross the un der class Call ing out loud with no res pect I'm not the one, just a no ther re ject I'm the voice you offend I'll lost and protend I saw you 'gainst the great A merica we'll rise against Now I'm de sen si tized Bur ning the flag Eve ry one see Down with the mass [Chorus] Well be cause we're do ing fine And we don't need to be told That we're do ing fine Cause we won't give you con trol And we don't need an y thing fr om you Cause we'll be just fine And we won't be bought and sold Just like you May I have your a tten tion please? I pl edge a lle giance to the un der class as your hero at large One Two Three Fo ur We're the saints of degen er a tion We don't owe an y one an ex plan a tion Fuck the lead ers We don't need this We're the e lite of just al right [Chorus] Well be cause we're do ing fine And we don't need to be told That we're do ing fine Cause we won't give you con trol And we don't need an y thing fr om you Cause we'll be just fine And we won't be bought and sold Just like you